26 February 2008
Trevor Mallard, in his capacity of Minister for the Environment, visited LinkPlas on Tuesday 26th February. He was accompanied by Sharon Girvan, his senior private secretary, Nelson Gapare & Susan St Lawrence, both senior advisers with the Sustainable Business Group in the Ministry for the Environment. Also in attendance was David Brittain, President of Plastics NZ.

Mr Mallard chose LinkPlas from a number of plastics companies put forward to him.
Mr Mallard and his party were treated to a tour of our factory, of which he seemed to be extremely impressed.
An informal discussion followed, which covered a range of subjects including the sustainability of our products and business; waste reduction; new projects which will have an environmental benefit; the fuel and weight savings achieved with Air NZ with our "Pettle" bottle.
The meeting concluded with an informative discussion on the Packaging Accord and an information pack supplied by Plastics New Zealand